Happy 1st of March everybody!

For everyone who isn't familar with St Davids Day, March 1st is a very important day in the welsh calendar.
Today, we celebrate the patron saint of Wales, St David.
Many welsh cities, towns and villages host their own unique celebrations of the day. Daffodils and leeks will be out on display in full force! Expect to see children dressed up in traditional dress, parades, concerts and the all important Eisteddfod!
I was born and brought up in Cardiff and the Eisteddfod was a staple in the school calendar. Every March 1st, we would be wearing our daffodil pins (in infant school, I had a traditional welsh costume I would wear on this day) and the school would host a ceremony in our school hall where they would celebrate the achievements of the pupils in various subjects.
In the weeks leading up to the Eisteddfod, every pupil in each year group would be set a piece of work to to enter into the Eisteddfod for each of our school subjects.
The best bit of the whole thing in school is you got to pick a pseudonym for yourself that was then used when they were announcing the results for the third, second and first place for each subject.
I remember choosing 'Pyramid' as one of my pseudonyms when I was in infant school and there was always at least one person who called themselves something like 'I don't know' to be amusing during the announcements!
Another important part of the Eisteddfod celebrations, nationally as well as in my school, was the chairing of the bard.
Traditionally, a bardic chair is specially designed and made for each eisteddfod and is awarded to the winner of the competition for the "awdl". The Awdl is a form of poetry written in a metre form known as "cynghanedd". Many towns design their chairs and host their own individual chairing ceremonies.
In my school, every pupil in every year group could write a poem (any kind of poem, it didn't have to be a specific style) and enter to become the bard for that year.
The winning poem would be read out during the Eisteddfod and that person would then go onto the stage to be chaired as our bard.
I never did win the competition, however, I did come second once which I was super proud of!

There are many different celebrations all over Wales today. In these lockdown times, there will be little to see this year unfortunately but the daffodils are out in full bloom. Take a moment to look for them around you and enjoy their bright yellow colour. Seeing them reminds me that winter is moving away and warmer and lighter days are coming.
Happy St Davids Day everyone!