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Jem: One half of the Flit Fitness doggos!


If there is one way to boost your mental health, your exercise levels and to make a new best friend, a dog is definitely the way to go!

Now don't get me wrong. Getting any kind of pet is a huge commitment and you should never get one lightly. They can be costly in many ways, without proper care and attention, you may also find yourself with trouble on your hands and the responsibility can be too much for some people.

However, if you do have the time, the commitment, the funds and the lifestyle to have a pet; it is so rewarding!

This is Jem! Jem is Susannah's dog and he is 2 years old. This week two years ago we took him home, it feels like it was yesterday!

Jem is a viszla cross (dad is a viszla and his mum is a bedlington terrier/greyhound cross). He was a happy little accident when his mum was knocked up by the viszla next door when he broke into their garden!

Jem is one of 8 and is from the Cotswolds. He has 4 brothers and 3 sisters, some of which we still keep in touch with!

Jem was named after a character in one of my favourite books; 'To Kill A Mockingbird' by Harper Lee. One of the main characters is a boy called Jeremy who's nickname was Jem. And now he has a doggy namesake!

He definately keeps me on my toes! Along with Flit Fitness, I enjoy taking him out for daily walks, he is quite a high energy breed so short 15 minute walks don't cut it! He does need at least an hours exercise, if not 2, to tire him out and he loves nothing more than running full pelt around a field or playing with his dog friends (the bigger the better!).

Him and Sky are also the best of friends. With Louisa's relocation to Horsham and the current pandemic, they haven't seen each other in coming up to a year and I can't wait for them to meet again and to hear the howls, the charging around with excitement and the sheer pleasure of meeting each other again!

Jem isn't keen on his mummy's constant photoshoots but I don't think he minds that much. He knows it makes me happy and will sit there (begrudgingly) for the photos and videos.

If you want to keep up with Jem's antics, you can follow him on Instagram @doggocalledjem. He hopes to see you there :)


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